

Cardinal Stepinac Village (CSV) residential aged care fees are charged as directed by federal government legislation. The Fees are set by the Department of Health.

The  payments of fees will depend on the individual’s assets and the level of care required.

All residents must pay basic daily fees.

Basic Daily Fees

Basic Daily Fees are paid by all residents regardless of their level of care and the amount is set by the Federal Government.

Fees are charged from the date the resident accepts the offer of placement.

Additional types of costs may include:

  • Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) – Previously known as Accommodation bond
  • Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) – Previously known as Accommodation charges
  • Income tested fees

All potential  residents are required to declare their assets to Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs on a (Request for Assets Assessment Form).

This is not compulsory, however where no assets are declared, maximum fees and charges set by the Department may apply.

We recommend you seek advice to better understand the fees and financial obligations associated with Aged Care.   Numerous organisations offer financial advice, such as the Aged Care Financial Services.

Refundable Accommodation Deposit – RAD (Bond)

The RAD is an interest free loan made to the aged care facility. It is charged to provide capital funding for the building and expanding of aged care facilities.

RAD’s are based on individual financial circumstances. Cardinal Stepinac Village RAD amounts are negotiable based on the resident’s assets.

If a resident can’t afford to pay a RAD, they will still be able to access accommodation at CSV.

The RAD is refunded to you when you leave the facility or to your estate once probate has been granted to the executor of your will.

All aged care facilities are required to follow strict reporting and the Federal Government guarantees the refund of the RAD.

Daily Accommodation Payment – DAP (Accommodation charge)

For residents entering high care, daily accommodation payment DAP may apply.

The amount payable is set by the Department of Health and Ageing.

The DAP may be charged for the whole stay in residential care.

Income Tested Fees

Income Tested Fees may apply to residents who are part-pensioners or non-pensioners in line with government regulations.

The income assessment is conducted by Centrelink or the Department of Veteran Affairs.

CSV Payment Options

Fees are charged on a monthly basis and must be paid one month in advance at the beginning of each month.

The resident may choose to pay either a RAD or a DAP or a 50/50 combination of a RAD and a DAP.

The choice of Payment of Fees may be made during the first 28 days after the resident enters care and is conditional.

There are several types of payment methods available, including:

  • Direct debit
  • Direct deposit
  • Cheque
  • Cash

For more information visit https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/aged-care-home-costs-and-fees or feel free to contact us on

Phone: 02 9823 3855


Accommodation Pricing Table Jan 2025

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